How to pray to Saint Anthony of Padua




1. Saint Anthony still pleads for man before God. The many favours received through his intercession inspire confidence in his devotees.


2. Saint Anthony was orthodox in his teaching and preaching. He became a Doctor of the Church. He assists us to be orthodox in our teaching and believing.


3. Saint Anthony was great because he was always set on discovering the Will of God and endeavouring to fulfil it. We can and must learn this lesson from him.


4. He has a reputation also for being invoked in many other needs and afflictions, e.g.

  • for the restoration of lost things
  • for the recovery of health
  • for the happy issue of an undertaking
  •  for obtaining employment
  • for obtaining and preserving purity of heart
  •  in the choice of a vocation


5. The essential requisite, therefore, in imploring the aid of Saint Anthony is a lively faith and an unbounded confidence in his powerful intercession. But this confidence must not assume the character of superstition - it must be tempered by the spirit of Christian resignation.


It is certainly lawful to submit to Saint Anthony all our wishes, both spiritual and temporal; but it must be done with a childlike resignation to the decrees of divine Providence. Through Saint Anthony's intercession the great and powerful God will not grant our requests unless they be conducive to the welfare of our souls. Afflictions and adversities will never be entirely banished from this vale of tears.


God often wishes us to carry a certain cross, and will not take it from us, for reasons best known to Him. But if our prayers are not heard in one particular instance, they are not lost, for we may rest assured that God will give us other and more precious graces, instead of those for which we have asked. We must not, therefore, lose courage, if we are not heard at once. Knock repeatedly at the gates of Heaven, as you would at the house of a friend. Perseverance will ensure success in the majority of cases.


6. One of the graces we should ask of Saint Anthony is that we remain in God's friendship and if we have lost God's friendship through grievous sin, we should seek the recovery of God's friendship first and then ask for what we think we need.


7. If we wish to be heard in an important matter, we must pray to Saint Anthony with insistence; visit one of his shrines or statues every day during the novena; receive the Sacraments and practise some mortification.


8. Participate intelligently and sacramentally in the sacrifice of the Mass and, if possible, have a Mass offered in his honour or give alms for his cherished poor.

A most efficacious means to obtain favours from Saint Anthony is the devotion of the Nine Tuesdays. The Saint himself manifested how pleasing this devotion is to him. In the year 1617, he appeared to a devotee who had besought his intercession in a very important matter and said: "Visit my picture in the Church of Saint Francis on nine consecutive Tuesdays, and your prayer shall be heard." His directions were followed and the desired favour was obtained.


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