3rd Tuesday | Novena of the 9 Tuesdays in honour of Saint Anthony of Padua | Sion




1. Visit an altar or a picture of the Saint Anthony in a Church, if possible, on nine consecutive Tuesdays.


2. Recite the miraculous Responsory and other prayers in honour of Saint Anthony.


3. Go to Confession and receive Holy Communion on the nine Tuesdays or at least the firstfifth and last Tuesday. 


4. If your means allow it, have one or more Masses offered up in honour of the Saint Anthony during the Novena, and give alms for Saint Anthony's Bread for the poor.


5. We must not take Saint Anthony's bread to mean only literally bread. Saint Anthony's Bread means "Charity" in its various forms, e.g., alms to help in eradicating slums, eradicating disease, eradicating hunger, eradicating illiteracy, assistance to the roofless, homeless, destitute, widows, orphans, waifs, aged; in short the needy.


Note: The devotion may be practised at Home before a picture or a statue of Saint Anthony, if the devotee is unable to go to Church.






"Anyone who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me."


Let us Pray

Pr.: That, through the intercession of Saint Anthony, we may not be blinded by excessive love of our dear ones, as not to heed the call of God: let us pray to the Lord.


All: Hear Thy people, have mercy on us.


Pr.: That, through the intercession of Saint Anthony, we may obtain the wisdom and strength to love Christ, more than our relatives: let us pray to the Lord.


All: Hear Thy people, have mercy on us.


Pr.: That, through the intercession of Saint Anthony, we may assist the priestly or religious vocation in others to mature: let us pray to the Lord.


All: Hear Thy people, have mercy on us.


Pr.: That, through the intercession of Saint Anthony, those who have answered the call may persevere in their vocation: let us pray to the Lord.


All: Hear Thy people



O God, Saint Anthony generously responded to Your call. Grant to those whom You call today the grace to do likewise, through Christ our Lord.


All: Amen.


One Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be.





1. If you seek for miracles, 

Death, error, all calamities. 

The leprosy and demons fly, 

And health succeeds infirmities



The sea obeys and fetters break 

And lifeless limbs thou dost restore 

While treasures lost are found again 

When young and old thine aid implore.


2. All dangers vanish at thy prayer 

The direst need doth quickly flee 

Let those who know thy power Proclaim 

Let Paduans say these are of thee.



The sea obeys and fetters break 

And lifeless limbs thou dost restore 

While treasures lost are found again 

When young and old thine aid implore.


3. To the Father, Son all glory be 

And Holy Ghost eternally.



The sea obeys and fetters break 

And lifeless limbs thou dost restore 

While treasures lost are found again 

When young and old thine aid implore.


Pr.: Pray for us, blessed Anthony


All: That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.


Let us Pray


O God, let the votive commemoration of Blessed Anthony, Thy confessor and doctor, be a source of joy to Thy faithful that they may always be fortified with spiritual assistance, and may deserve to possess eternal joy, through Christ Our Lord. Amen.



(Recite together)


O Glorious Saint Anthony / safe refuge of the afflicted and distressed / who by a miraculous revelation / has directed all those who seek aid / to come to thy altar / with the promise / that whoever visits it / and there piously invokes thee / will feel the power of thy intercession. / I a poor sinner / encouraged by this promise, / come to thee, / O powerful Saint, / and with a firm hope, / implore thy aid / thy protection / thy counsel / and thy blessing. / Obtain for me, / I beseech thee, / my request in this necessity.


(Here mention your requests)


But if it should be opposed to the will of God / and the welfare of my soul / obtain for me such other graces / as shall be conducive to my salvation. Amen.

IMPORTANT - We sincerely request you to share this Prayer by clicking the SHARE link below so that more and more people benefit from Saint Anthony's powerful intercession.


Please also post your Testimony for favours granted by adding COMMENTS below. This will lead others to Saint Anthony and ultimately to GOD.
