Three Prayers said on Tuesdays to Saint Anthony

Saint Anthony Novena; St. Anthony Novena

The First Prayer

Hail, Saint Anthony of Padua! You are as pure as the lilies of the field and as precious as the great pearl. You keep on shining like a star in the Holy Church. 

O, Saint Anthony, you have been identified by the heavenly beings as a great one of truth. You are the protector of the piety that keeps burning bright by God’s fire of love. I pray unto you with all my heart. I pray unto you for all those blessings that the Lord God has showered on you. 

O, my loving Saint Anthony, I kneel at the foot of your holy image to submit unto you my prayers. You are very much dear to our Lord God, and I pray unto you to recall to your mind your advice to us. You have promised to us to be merciful to us if we come unto your holy image on nine consecutive Tuesdays and pray and you have not deviated from this promise of yours.

O, Saint Anthony, all those who had prayed unto you fervently have got all the benevolence that they had asked for! I have also come to this holy church to open my heart to you and recount unto you in great confidence all my needs. My eyes get welled up with tears when I look at your holy image intently and my soul jumps towards the heaven. 

O, Saint Anthony, shower your blessings copiously on me taking into your holy consideration the love that I have developed for you. Taking note of your great affection for the infant Jesus in your arms, I crave unto you to speak to him for me regarding my supplications.

O, my loving Saint Anthony, how easy it is for you to help me! Speak a word to God the Almighty on my behalf and all my needs will be fulfilled! The holy infant Jesus whom you hold in your arms in all affection will not turn down your cravings. While you were in flesh and blood in this world, he had appeared before you several times as he had love for you! You were so blessed that you were granted leave to touch him and kiss him! Now that you are in heaven with him, will he not be pleased now to grant your prayers a thousand times more? I am sure that Jesus who, as an infant, had been inseparable from you in earth continues to be inseparable from you in heaven also. Only to let the world understand the great bond between you two, he had made your holy image bear the handsome infant in arms.

Hail! O, Jesus, O, Saint Anthony, the great inseparable companions! O my Jesus, O, Saint Anthony, you two are hearts with God’s mercy! I fervently pray unto you both to have mercy on me and make my humble heart burn with love and piety. O, Jesus, I pray unto you in the name of your loving companion, Saint Anthony.

O, Jesus, O, Saint Anthony, a great mutual affection had united you both in this world and the same affection has now united you both in heaven and I pray unto you to take me also as one of your trusted friends. O, Jesus, O, Saint Anthony, I humbly lay down my heart at your disposal. O, Jesus, O, Saint Anthony, I put all my cares and fears at your hands. I have been visiting your holy images in piety and love and pray unto you fervently to give me eternity in heaven and exalted boon to see you face to face.


The Second Prayer

O, blessed Saint Anthony, you are the friend and strength of the suffering, and on the sorrowful you shower your benevolence copiously. O, Saint Anthony, you are sitting in the grand throne in this church and from your seat, shower your mercies on the pitiable and miserable lot who have come unto you to pray. Kindly recall the merciful words that you had offered to the helpless woman at Polonia. You had told her that if she visited your holy image on nine consecutive Tuesdays, her prayers would be accepted. We have come to this church to bear witness to your assurance to that woman and prostrate before your holy image and enumerate our needs.

O, blessed Saint, O, a priceless vessel of mercy! O, pearl of great holiness and other gifts, I humbly stand before your holy image and pay my obeisance to you. I kneel before your holy image and humble my soul and place before you my needs and seek your mercy. Where else can I see you except on your holy image? Where else can I get under your protective wings except at the altar of your church. I hasten unto you to glorify you hoping that you will appear before me in all your holiness. I have been longing to touch and kiss your holy feet in all humility. I have great longing to embrace you, kiss you and speak to you. O, I am not blessed enough to have all these. Yet, I would like to pay to your holy image the same veneration that I would pay to you in the event of getting blessed to have a vision of yours.

O, holy Saint Anthony, I do not stop with venerating you; I bend my ear before you and look at you with my sinful eyes, my harassed heart leaps at you. It is quite true that I am, in view of my sins, not eligible to see your help. But you, with the power of your prayers and God’s mercy, are desirous to accept and give solace to sinners like me who come unto you in great hope and with penitent hearts.

I come and cry unto you at the times of great distress. Let my prayers reach your holy feet. O, you a merciful heart, hear the sighs that I have! O, my loving father, you know well my difficulties. You can easily get from God what I crave for! Will Jesus Christ who had been fondled by your hands deny to you your prayers? O, Saint Anthony, allow me to trumpet about your well-acclaimed merciful heart. God has granted your prayers after having taken note of the concern that you have for the wretched sinners and your trust in him to get the intense prayers of your ardent devotees granted. So, I also say my prayers to you, and I crave you to dedicate them to the Lord, Jesus Christ. He will honour you by granting them to me.


The Third Prayer

O, great blessed Anthony, you are a great, loving benefactor to those in misery! You are a great physician with the capacity to cure all types of maladies! And the whole world holds you in high esteem! Your wondrous miracles are well-spoken about all over the world your strength is the real strength. God had selected you to bring about a change in the minds of tens of thousands of people.

Now, being in heaven in all majesty with him, you are an instrument in the hands of the almighty to do miracles in large numbers. And when you pray unto God, he becomes pleased with the people in the world and shower on them his blessings! So, I pray unto you in full faith, as you are solace to the suffering. I have great confidence in you as you are very close to God! You have been chosen by God as one having compassion for the suffering and praying for them. I pray unto you to show mercy on me and give me solace and comfort at the time of my suffering and exigencies. Your chaste heart bubbled with immense joy before the infant Jesus and the holy infant has revealed his love for you to your great divine pleasure. And now I crave unto you to convey aspirations at the feet of the infant.

O, Saint Anthony, the holy redeemer had filled you with all blessings. I pray unto you fervently to allow me to share those blessings and get all my prayers granted by Jesus Christ.

O, Saint Anthony, make me feel that my prayers unto your generous self have not gone unanswered. My devotion to you will further strengthen up and I shall trumpet out your holy name in great joy.

O, Saint Anthony, I recall now the great torment that our Lord Jesus Christ had undergone on the mount of olives and the prayers he had said. With great confidence in the prayers and with a serene heart I would like to end my prayer that I have said at the foot of your holy image. Now I call unto God through your heart and mouth and pray, O heavenly father, you are omnipotent; kindly take away the vessel of woes from me and grant me my prayers. Yet, it is never according to my wish but according to your will!


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  1. Thank you for publishing these prayers. God bless you all.

  2. Thank you for your encouraging words. Please spread the word by sharing this link ( with others. May GOD bless you abundantly!


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