Thirteen prayers to Saint Anthony

Saint Anthony Novena; St. Anthony Novena

1) The one of great virtue with the divine infant in arms bless me earnestly.

The First Prayer

O, Saint of Padua, O, Saint Anthony, O, you were born under the protective fold of the virtuous virgin, O, you have driven away evil spirits with the holy cross, O, you have devoted to Mother Mary, protect me from all the snares of the devil and lead me.

(One Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be)


2Wondrous preacher, the epitome of chastity, the authority of high wisdom, protect us mere children.

The Second Prayer

O, Saint Anthony, you had given up all your wealth and glory and lived like a mendicant. Pray to Jesus Christ for us, so that we also will live a pure life without getting entangled in worldly pleasures.

(One Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be)


3 Great soul of great penance, you have risen to glory through humility, kindly take away from us the destabilising arrogance.

The Third Prayer

O, Saint Anthony, you are the symbol of humility! Kindly protect us from falling victim to the meaningless worldly fame, positions of power and wealth.

(One Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be)


4 O, great blessed preacher who has eliminated the heresy, protect us from our ills.

The Fourth Prayer

Saint Anthony, you have infused faith in those who had lost their faith. You have put those who had no faith in God on the path of righteousness! O, Saint Anthony, take care of us always that we do not go astray.

(One Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be)


5 O, protect us Saint Anthony! You had partaken of the poison that your enemies had given you and thereby put them on great fear!

The Fifth Prayer

Some adversaries grew jealous of you and wanted to kill you by giving you poison. You partook of it and survived it as God was merciful to you. O, Saint Anthony, protect us from all the schemes and machinations of our adversaries.

(One Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be)


6The donkey recognised the holy Eucharist and worshipped the Lord and its master, a vain man, repented on seeing it! O, Saint Anthony, we remain helpless! Have mercy on us

The Sixth Prayer

O, Saint Anthony, you have made the vain man understand his folly that he repented and throned to God on seeing his donkey worshipping the holy Eucharist. Saint Anthony, induce in us a great desire to have reverence to the holy Eucharist and hear the Holy mass quite often and take the Holy Eucharist.

(One Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be)


7 The marine species listened to your holy sermons to the great shame of some vain and indifferent people

The Seventh Prayer

You chose to address your sermon to the marine species when you found some people were unwilling to listen to it and thereby made them feel ashamed of themselves. Leave us not to grow indifferent to spiritual exercises like prayers and penance but help us get ashore.

(One Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be)


8 O, great consecrate Saint Anthony, you have mended the severed leg; severe from us all our ills every day.

The Eight Prayer

When the lecherous man cut off his leg on repenting his act of kicking his mother, you mended his severed leg with the mark of the holy cross. O, bless us that we will have wholesome thoughts in our minds by giving up all evil thoughts!

(One Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be)


9 O, great benefactor, you have driven away the devil that strangled the neck! Kindly protect us by driving away the evil-doing devil.

The Ninth Prayer

You have defeated the devil with the divine grace and driven it away when it tried to strangle your neck. Kindly get us the divine grace so that we also will defeat the intentions of the devil which has been trying all tricks to push us into sin.

(One Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be)


1 O, Holy Father, you have redeemed a Father from the charge of his child’s murder! Mercifully redeem us also from our pitfalls

The Tenth Prayer

O, holy Father, you have rescued an innocent man whom some liars had falsely accused him of murder of his child. O, Father, protect us from false accusations, blames and treacheries.

(One Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be)


11) O, the holy one who had made the dumb speak! Protect me today from all evils

The Eleventh Prayer

O, Saint Anthony, you have given the dumb the faculty of speech! Give us the courage to bear witness to truth boldly without being dumb when the truth is at stake

(One Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be)


12) You are pure and your tongue remains intact! Protect us from the path of sin every day!

The Twelfth Prayer

You had kept glorifying the name of God all through your life on this earth and so your holy tongue remains without any damage. Make us also glorify God’s name avoiding speaking evil and spreading calumny against others.

(One Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be)


13) O, you have performed a crore of miracles that are matchless in goodness! Get us blessings by praying to Lord Jesus for us.

The Thirteenth Prayer

O, Saint Anthony, you have been called performer of a crore of miracles! Kindly lend your ears to all who come to you with prayers. Kindly get us all blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ for our spiritual and temporal upliftment.

(One Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be)


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