Prayer to say at the foot of the Holy Image of Saint Anthony

Saint Anthony Novena; St. Anthony Novena

O, Saint Anthony! You are seated gloriously in the magnificent throne at this holy spot! You are as pure as the lilies of the field; you are a priceless gem; you are the protector of heaven and earth; you are unfailing succour to the suffering people; you are an asylum to sinners. We have come in haste to your seat, and we pray intensely looking at your holy face.

O, Saint Anthony, you have received an abundance of God’s gifts; you always lead the faithful all through their arduous ways, chase away all evil spirits, and remain as a mirror of the merciful church; you are the benevolent hands of God on the earth; you are the source of our happiness, hope, and refuge. We sincerely pray unto you to show to us that you are our Godfather. Parents do not feel elated at the sins of their children. We pray unto you to be merciful to us who have come unto you. Give succour to those who weep and give solace to the suffering. 

If you do not mediate between God and us and get us, his blessings who else will do it? If you will not speak for us, who else will do it? If you do not understand our needs and aspirations who else will? If you, with the power of your tongue, do not give our tongues the power of the gospel who else will give it to us? 

O, Saint Anthony, be merciful to us who have run unto you seeking your asylum. You are the holy saint of the holy white! You are the sea of mercy! You are the pond to the thirsty! You are the companion to the lonely! We have come unto your loving and lovely abode! We have crossed rivers and forests to get unto you! We have been afflicted with diseases, penury and pain, but we have had unflinching faith in God! Now we have come unto you in the hope that our faith in God, the fruit of our arduous journey to your abode and our tears will touch your ever merciful heart. O, Saint Anthony, our loving father, we submit ourselves to you. O, Saint Anthony, stretch your benevolent arms and lift us up with your blessings.

Let us pray

O, God, the father almighty, we have come unto the abode of Saint Anthony and have prostrated at his feed begging his grace. We pray unto you, our eternal father, to show us mercy. O, God Almighty, kindly accept all our prayers in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 


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