Saint Anthony Novena | Weekly | Third Tuesday


Saint Anthony Novena; St. Anthony Novena

1) Introductory Prayer

O God, you are the author of all nature and grace, and admirable in all your saints, and in particular in our glorious protector Saint Anthony, whom you have made beloved of many, and the helper to whom we fly in our necessities. Succour us in our dangers and enrich us with your gifts. Design, O Lord, through his merits and intercession to deliver us from every evil and grant us the grace which we ask in this novena, should it be for the good of our souls and for your greater glory - Amen

2) Special Prayers - Third Tuesday

O purest Saint Anthony, who through your angelic virtue was found worthy to be caressed by the Divine Child Jesus, to hold him, in your arms and press him to your heart, I beg you to cast a benevolent glance upon me. O glorious Saint Anthony, born under the protection of Mary Immaculate, on the Feast of her Assumption into heaven, and consecrated to her and now so powerful an intercessor in heaven, I ask you to obtain for me the favour I ask in this novena. O great wonder worker, intercede for me that God may grant my request.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be to the Father
Saint Anthony, pray for us

3) Concluding Prayer

Let us pray

O glorious father and protector Saint Anthony, your love of Jesus was so wondrously rewarded that you were privileged to hold him in your arms in the form of a little child. By the ineffable consolations which inundated your soul, by the compassion which you showed towards the afflicted and poor, and by the gift of miracles which our Lord bestowed on you, obtain for us the pardon of our sins, the granting of all our needs, the fulfilment of all our obligations, a holy life and a happy death, that following your footsteps during our life on earth we may merit to live with him eternally in heaven - Amen

Pray for us, O Saint Anthony,
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray

O Lord, may the ardent prayers of Saint Anthony give joy to your Church, that it may ever find itself strengthened with spiritual succour and merit to obtain heavenly happiness. We ask this through Christ our Lord - Amen.

IMPORTANT - We sincerely request you to share this Prayer by clicking the SHARE link below so that more and more people benefit from Saint Anthony's powerful intercession.

Please also post your Testimony for favours granted by adding COMMENTS below. This will lead others to Saint Anthony and ultimately to GOD.
