Prayer unto the Saint Anthony

Saint Anthony Novena; St. Anthony Novena

O, Saint Anthony, you are a great patron and you with lilies, the symbol of chastity, in your hands keep showering on the faithful your blessings! You had spurned riches and embraced poverty! You are the mirror of purity. You are a model of virtue! You are a bright star of saintliness! You are the symbol of holy and pious life! You are a robust pillar of the church! You are the key to heaven. You subdue the lecherous people! You sow the seed of virtue! You are the solace and comfort to the suffering! You are the hope of the deserted! You are blessed enough to have infant Jesus in your arms! You are greatly desirous to take us, sinners, to the feet of Jesus Christ! 

O, Saint Anthony, we are little sinners, and you may kindly lead us by our hands so that we shall be under your protection and care. Kindly pray unto infant Jesus so that we will repent our sins and weep for them.

O, great Saint Anthony, you are dear to God and so you are an eternal flame! We pray unto you humbly to fill our cruel hearts with love for God and change us into God’s children.


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