Prayer to Saint Anthony for Bounty

Saint Anthony Novena; St. Anthony Novena


O, the white lily, the symbol of virtue! The model of ennobling poverty! The mirror of great humility! the shining star of great purity! O, great Saint Anthony, you were very glad to have the rare privilege of child Jesus coming in your arms! I pray unto you to protect us under your care. Of all the boons that you have received from God, the boon to do miracles stands out as a shining one. O, loving Saint Anthony have mercy on me and get all my prayers granted.

(Make this prayer fervently and hopefully)

Saint Anthony, make me virtuous by taking away all worldliness from my heart! Get me from God the mindset to repent my sins and love my neighbours, so that I may serve God truthfully and be with you in heaven in his presence.

IMPORTANT - We sincerely request you to share this Prayer by clicking the SHARE link below so that more and more people benefit from Saint Anthony's powerful intercession.

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