Powerful Prayer to seek Saint Anthony's blessings

Saint Anthony Novena; St. Anthony Novena

Saint Anthony, you are a star among saints, and you love us greatly. While you were alive in this world you had a great love for God and fellow beings and this great virtue had brought you the power to do miracles and such miracles waited on the words that emanated from your powerful tongue.

When people in distress prayed unto you, you turned to God and prayed unto him for them, and thus none who had prayed unto you has gone without getting the prayers granted. You had healed the sick. You had found all those who had been lost to their loved ones. You had consoled all those who had been weeping, given succour to those who had lost their hope, given strength to those who had believed in you, and given life to those who had been dead. O, loving father who does not give up those who cherish faith in you, we are here with hearts full of hope and here we kneel before you and pray.

(Say this prayer fervently and hopefully)

O, Saint Anthony, you may do a miracle if it is necessary to answer our prayer, for it is not difficult for you to perform miracles. You have already done miracles in millions. You may put my prayers into the ears of child Jesus in your arms and your simple word alone is enough for us and our prayers will be answered, and we shall be thankful to you.


O, Saint Anthony, you have been loved and glorified by child Jesus. Please lend your gracious ears to my prayers.

O, Saint Anthony, you have distinguished yourself as powerful in your word and deed! Please, lend your gracious ears to my prayers.

O, Saint Anthony, you do care greatly for those who have faith in you! Please, get my prayers granted


(One Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be)

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