Litany of Saint Anthony

Litany of Saint Anthony; Saint Anthony Novena

  • Lord, have mercy on us
  • Christ, have mercy on us
  • Lord, have mercy on us
  • Christ, grant our prayers
  • Christ, grant our prayers fully
  • The Holy Father, who is in heaven, graciously save us
  • The Holy Son who has redeemed the world, graciously save us
  • The holy spirit, graciously save us
  • The only one God who is in the form of the Holy Trinity, graciously save us
  • Holy Mary, born without the original sin, pray for us
  • The noblest of virgins, pray for us
  • Pius Saint Francis of Assisi, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony of Padua, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony, the lily of purity, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony, the pillar of spiritual power, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony, who loved to do charity, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony, who loved the holy cross, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony, who was steadfast in ethical principles, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony, who has overcome worldly desires, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony, who is the new star of Portugal, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony, the apostolic preacher, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony, the voice of the holy word of God, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony, who has loved the teachings of the holy spirit, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony, who has shown the truth of God to the unbelieving, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony, the terror to evil spirits, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony, model of monks, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony, the guide of Prophets, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony, redeemer of those who has gone astray, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony the continuous worker of miracles, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony comforter of the frustrated in life, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony who makes sinners repent, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony the upholder of justice and protector of the innocent, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony who leads those in slavery to liberty, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony who heals the sick, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony who had raised the dead to life with the blessings of God, the Almighty pray for us
  • Saint Anthony who restores eyesight to those who lost it, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony who helps us find the lost things, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony who restores to us the things that we have lost, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony who upholds the truth between the contending people, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony who had preached to the fish in the sea, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony who had eaten poisoned food, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony who had loved and appreciated the purity of apostles, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony who had sowed seed of virtue in several countries, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony who has liberated yourself from the mystic web of the world, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony who had saved the soldiers who had been caught in the sea, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony you are the hope of those who come unto you, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony who has helped countless souls enter the kingdom of God, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony you have got your tongue intact without getting decayed, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony who has been the fortress of the order of Saint Francis of Assisi, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony who keeps in arms child Jesus who had come to you in the form of a child, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony you were so blessed that God was pleased to announce your death by children, pray for us
  • Saint Anthony who was canonized as a saint within one year of death, pray for us
  • O, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the World! - O, Jesus, take away our sins
  • O, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the World! - O, Jesus, grant us our prayers
  • O, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the World! - Jesus, save us graciously!

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