General Novena to Saint Anthony

Saint Anthony Novena; St. Anthony Novena

1. Prayer on arrival 

(this can be sung three times by standing)


Saint Anthony of Padua,

Pray for us


2. Inaugural prayer

Priest: in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit,

Congregation: Amen

Priest: Holy Mary, mother of God! We come unto you seeking your help and support at the time of our difficulties. O, virgin full of grace and free of all sins, we pray to you not to refuse our prayers but to save us from all our dangers.

3. Prayer of Supplication

Priest: O, Saint Anthony, you have graciously come to be at this holy spot! O, you are the pure lily with great holiness. You have the great blessing to bear child Jesus in arms! You are the hope of the suffering! You are the refuge of the repenting sinners! We have come unto you running to seek our help. Kindly pray to God for us!

Cong: O, Saint Anthony, you have performed miracles in millions, you chase away evil spirits, you are very generous in showing kindness and you are our refuge and help. Kindly show to us that you are our Godfather. Be kind to us who are helpless and have come unto you. Kindly take unto you all those who weep and give them your help. Kindly give solace and comfort to the suffering. If you do not show mercy on us, who else will do the same to us? If you do not comfort us, who else will do so? If you do not think of us, who else will think of us?

If you do not help us, who else will do so? We have run to you hoping to find refuge in you; kindly be merciful to us. You are the sea of kindness! You are the comfort of the suffering! You are the refuge of the helpless! We have come to your holy abode! Kindly save us from our dangers and difficulties and lend your ears to our supplications. Kindly get us our prayers granted by God!

Priest: Our loving father, we submit ourselves wholly to you.

Cong: O, you have persuasive power over God! Kindly make haste to help us

4. The prayer of the congregation

Priest: Let us pray that our pope, bishops, priests, nuns, rulers of nations, leaders of societies, and all other holding responsibilities may get wisdom and discretion.

Cong: O, God, we pray to you through Saint Anthony!

Priest: that all people may live happily like brothers in communal and religious harmony.

Cong: O, God, we pray to you through Saint Anthony!

Priest: That all the believers who come to this holy shrine may have good health as you please and may have peace of mind.

Cong: O, God, we pray to you through Saint Anthony!

Priest: that we may get deliverance from sinful thoughts and temptations of the devil.

Cong: O, God, we pray to you through Saint Anthony!

Priest: that we may achieve the things which we ask for and may have your protection to escape from the dangers and difficulties that we face in our ways

Cong: O, God, we pray to you through Saint Anthony!

Priest: that you may help us when we stand despondent on having been left by all around us and find ourselves in dire straits.

Cong: O, God, we pray to you through Saint Anthony!

Priest: Let us pray! O, omnipotent and merciful God, kindly turn your merciful eyes on us. We have come as pilgrims to this shrine of Saint Anthony who has been very much dear to you and because of your blessings he has earned the name, performer of millions of miracles. Kindly be merciful to us through our Lord God Jesus Christ.

Cong: Amen


5. Reading the Gospel


6. Blessing the sick

 (All may kneel down)

Priest: We have comfort and solace in the name of God!

Cong: it was he who created heaven and earth!

Priest: May God be with you!

Cong: And with your spirit!

Priest: Let us pray:

Cong: O, God, kindly turn your holy eyes on your servants who have been suffering from ailments! Give peace and solace to the souls that you have made! Kindly bless us so that we will get ourselves purified through our difficulties and become healthy by your mercy. O God, bless us through our Lord God Jesus Christ.


Priest (Stretching right hand) may our lord God Jesus Christ always be with you, and he may be amidst you to protect you, be in you to save you, may go before you to guide you, follow you to be your guard, deliver you from your ailments and worries and may give you happiness and peace. In the name of the

Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Cong: Amen


(Sprinkling Holy water)

IMPORTANT - We sincerely request you to share this Prayer by clicking the SHARE link below so that more and more people benefit from Saint Anthony's powerful intercession.

Please also post your Testimony for favours granted by adding COMMENTS below. This will lead others to Saint Anthony and ultimately to GOD.

