Devotion of the 13 Tuesdays to Saint Anthony | Third Tuesday


Saint Anthony Novena; St. Anthony Novena

1) Introductory Prayer

Prostrate before your divine presence, O my God, I adore you with my whole heart. I am sorry for having offended you. I recognise myself as unworthy of any favour. Inflame my heart, O Lord, so that I may imitate the example of your faithful servant, Saint Anthony, under whose patronage I place my soul and body - Amen

2) Special Prayers - Third Tuesday

Prayer: Prostrate...
Meditation: Fight the devil.

Since the creation of the first man, the devil has come to interfere with the great work of God. Temptation came for the angles. Many fell and were cast into the hell, while the faithful ones were confirmed in grace.

The same thing happened to our first parents. They did not resist temptation and they fell away. The devil has received from God a certain amount of freedom to tempt humans, to spread error and heresy in the world so that through these evils they may prove their obedience to the Creator and merit heaven. Imitate the example of Saint Anthony; fight against error, against passion. Let us pray for our own sanctification and for that of our neighbour.

Here make your request

Glorious Saint Anthony, destroy all heresy and schism in the world. Pray for us so that we may always sing the glory of God, and one day come to heaven to enjoy our eternal reward.

One Glory be

3) Responsory and Concluding Prayer

If then you ask for a miracle,
Death, error, all calamities,
The leprosy and demons fly,
And health succeeds infirmities.
The sea obeys and fetters break,
And lifeless limbs you do restore;
While treasures lost are found again
When young or old your aid implore.
All dangers vanish at your prayer,
And direst need does quickly flee.
Let those who know your power claim,
Let Paduans say these are of you.
The sea obeys, and fetters break, 
And lifeless limbs you do restore; 
While treasures lost are found again, 
When young or old your aid implore.

Pray for us, Saint Anthony,
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us Pray

O God, let the ardent prayers of Saint Anthony, your confessor, make glad your church that we may be fortified by spiritual assistance and may deserve to possess eternal joy, through Jesus Christ our Lord - Amen.

IMPORTANT - We sincerely request you to share this Prayer by clicking the SHARE link below so that more and more people benefit from Saint Anthony's powerful intercession.

Please also post your Testimony for favours granted by adding COMMENTS below. This will lead others to Saint Anthony and ultimately to GOD.
